Thursday, October 27, 2005

College has successfully taken my conservatism to new heights. Never has there been a larger conglomeration of liberals than at the University. After biting my tongue thus far, the conservative abuse I've taken just went a little too far. Now we all know what happens when I get pushed over the edge - that's right, words fly. Here are mine:

To be perfectly honest, and I'm quite tired of dancing around issues, there's a war being waged within this country on Christianity. And the aggressors - secular liberals. It's these secular liberals that place American servicemen and women on a moral equivalency equal that of our Islamo-fascist enemies. Am I the only one outraged by this? I read in a blog that it wasn't our job to be judgmental of other societal sects - and that's just peachy to a certain extent. But when my not being judgmental could result in my death, and the death of thousands of our country folk - you can be damn sure I'm judging. You can be sure that al-Zarqawi, Usama bin Laden, Mohamed Atta al-Sayed (all proponents of the religion of “peace“), and the wealth of their brainwashed cronies are building bridges to the Middle Ages - but yet it's Reverend Lewis who's considered a sexist, a radical, and a threat to all things human.

Explain to me how Wahabi Islam isn’t sexist. Explain to me how separating men and women in the house and place of worship isn’t sexist. Explain to me how outrageous feminism isn’t sexist. But, I’m probably forgetting that you can only be sexist if you’re a man. Unbelievable. Not only is that ignorance - it's subversion. Yes, it's subversion. Am I condoning the burning of CD's? Hardly. Am I saying that secular liberals are getting innocent Americans killed - you bet I am. Pardon my digression, but I'm tired of being the racist, of being the ignorant conservative who doesn't understand human emotion. To be quite frank, someone explain this to me. What is racist about giving African-Americans the chance to advance themselves? I'll tell you, though, what's really racist - assuming that African-Americans need that push from the government, assuming that African-Americans need affirmative action, because, as the left is saying over and over, they just can't do it on their own.

But! Of course, the Republican party is the party of the South - which would deftly explain Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) - or my mistake, Exalted Cyclops Byrd, ex-Klansman (D-WV). Here's a democrat who must've accidentally voted against all major civil rights legislation during the entire decade-long movement. Sen. Albert Gore (D-TN), father of former VP Al Gore, voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Is there a trend? Is it coincidental that democratic nays vastly outnumbered yeas in that very same vote? Coincidence - not at all. This is party that supports Planned Parenthood, the party that boasts such rabid supporters as Barbara Striesand (because she’s so in tune with common American culture), and the party that attacks Bill Bennett after obviously not reading his on-air comments. Here they are:

"If you wanted to reduce crime, you could – if that were your sole purpose – you could abort every black baby in this country, and our crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down."

The sad thing about this - it’s already happening. One third of abortions every year are
performed on black women. Twenty-million black babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade. Here’s something juicy - Planned Parenthood is offering free abortions to the displaced residents of New Orleans. The majority of the residents, believe it or not, are black. Wouldn’t Margaret Sanger, the eugenics-driven racist, be proud. Of course, however, conservatives are accused of being hypocritical farmers who wouldn’t know a college degree if it spewed on them from the fire and brimstone pulpits they all revere.

It’s easy to be a liberal - there’s really only one prerequisite: you must have prior experience in the art of whining. Am I expecting to be called a hypocrite, racist, and name-caller? You bet your college degree I am, but this time I’m sending it your way. I missed the lesson that taught me only conservatives could be racist. I missed the lesson that taught me liberal democrats are the saviors and promoters of blacks (granted, I probably skipped that day). But, there’s one thing I didn’t miss, and unfortunately a lot of my conservative brethren did, that’s how to fight. I’m sick and tired of the left accusing without consequence. I’m sick and tired of gritting my teeth as secular liberals trash, bash, and do nothing to fix that problems that republicans cause. (And no, I’m not sick and tired of parallel sentences.) Here’s an idea! If Republicans ruined the country, and democrats are the part of the people, why don’t they have power? Why are liberals fanatically obsessed with 2000 Florida, and can’t realize that their prize-fighter Gore couldn’t win his own state. The problem with liberals, plain and simple: they can’t fix anything. But, you know what, while liberals might bash you, burn you, and discredit everything about you, at least they won’t judge you.