Thursday, July 28, 2005

Let's get down to the nitty gritty, shall we.

All evidence regarding the beloved ACLU and the war on the terror points to one thing - moral relativism. The ACLU, plain and simple, has done nothing to preserve the freedoms of Americans. In fact, they've waged a 2,000 mile crusade to limit Christian demonstration, abused the courts to condemn perfectly legal, private Christian practices, and have attempted to annihilate a moral fiber once commonly held. I find it amusing how I'm accused of placing not only my president, but yours as well, on a glorified pedestal. It seems rather odd how the ACLU cares less about their country's natives, an more about interned combatants on the Cuban coast. But, don't get me wrong. Islam is the religion of peace, and radical islamo-fascists are merely demonstrators of centuries old frustration. Yes, Christians, many moons ago, raped, pillaged, burned, and murdered - and it's obviously indefensible. So I won't try. But to use the crusades as moral leverage for the inhumanity of extreme Islam is ridiculous.

Where most peaceful societies tend to build bridges towards unity and future prosperity, radical Islam has differing architectural habits. While all Westerners are targeted, none are more despised than the leftists who promote free moral reign. Since when is defending the liberty of your would-be murderer the sheik thing to do? Funny thing is, the only defense of radical Islam, of course in the form of apologizes and relativism, comes from the left - the single most despised faction of Western culture. Do radical Muslims hate our president, you bet they do. Do radical Muslims hate our presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Kuwait, and the various states of the Persian Gulf, hell yes. But the simplest message of the ideology is restriction. Liberals dominate Hollywood. Radical Islam not only equates Hollywood's scandalous portrayal of American life as the norm, but loathes such moral inefficiencies. Liberals preach standards to be met by every class but their own. Radical Islam despises ambivalence. Liberalism in America, and Europe for that matter, is the picturesque image of infidel. Chew on that.

The way I see it, every liberal lunatic in this country owes the Right a grand favor. It's always been the liberal tendency to bite the hand that feeds. Where a weak conservative flatters a liberal, the compliment is regurgitated and spat back with nastiness. Have attacks befallen America's homeland since 9/11? You know who to thank. You can thank an aggression that befuddles and stuns the enemy. You can thank our servicemen for pulling the right strings, and yes, twisting the right arms to get the information to keep us safe. And yes, you can thank this administration. Most liberals place crazed Muslim extremists on a moral pedestal glowing with apologies. If you want to claim Dubya has been placed on that same pedestal, feel free. Not only is that absurd, but absolutely outrageous.

If only the left could make their minds up - what are, in fact, the President's intentions in waging this 'unwinnable' war? We've heard oil - which has obviously paid off (nothing better than paying $2.36 for a gallon of gas). We've heard religion - because our President would rather Christianize the world than attempt to convert those here. We've heard of Daddy's revenge - wait a second, was it not the Democrats who accused '41 of not finishing the job? Perhaps a stunning combination of the three is possible, and it would make sense. I challenge any single person to tell me of a war in which economics was not key. Good luck.

According to some, we're fighting folks no different than you and me here at home. We're waging war against people just defending their cause, much as you and I would do. We're simply shoving our philosophies down their throats. The latter I can agree with. But to compare to place Americans (especially American soldiers) on the same level as our enemy is out of this world. What happened to right and wrong? How can we win wars with no incentive to beat an enemy who's morally equal to us. It's not our fault the past 30 some years have seen an amazing increase in radical Islamic terrorist activity. We didn't cause 9/11, and we certainly didn't deserve it. It could be said that the war on terror will never end, that our enemy's existence is purely contingent on our relentless assault on their way of life. Simply not true. Our enemy's thrive on the moral delinquency of Western culture. If there aren't mass conversions to Islam extremely soon, expect the attacks to continue. I'll tell you right now, I'm not converting to Islam - so bring it on.

I've been away from the game for a little while. It's intensified, and liberals have taken their assault on America to new levels. With the ACLU and spineless cretin liberals leading the charge against the true universal freedoms, defense of America has never been more urgent. While the attacks may be expected from our Islamo-fascist pals, they shouldn't be tolerated coming from our very own 'fifth column', the left. Can America wage a two-front war, they sure can. Can America wage a three-front war, it sure hope so. Divisiveness in any climate shouldn't be tolerated, and hiding behind free speech when equating the Bush Administration the Nazi Germany or comparing 9/11 victims to "little Adolph Eichmanns" isn't expression - it's hate.

Leftists accuse the Right of hiding behind the flag, using the War on Terror to crush opposition. Unfortunately that's true - but it's a shame that the most dangerous opposition comes not from Fallujah, Baghdad, or the Sunni Triangle.

The line's been drawn. Let's get down the nitty gritty.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I received a touching letter from the national office of the ACLU today. So touching was this letter, I felt urged to share it with you, along with subsequent thoughts. While there's been some confusion as what the 'A' in ACLU actually stands for - it is in fact American, no matter what you've been led to believe. My dear friend, Anthony Romero, executive director (fancy shmancy) of the Union, shipped the letter personally to me. Beckoning for my voice and wallet, he made some strong arguments for the side of "freedom", or so they call it. But, enough from me. Here's the letter. (My comments will be made in italics, so pay attention)

Dear Friend,

When the Bush Administration says it wants to make permanent the freedom-stealing -
-- yadda yadda yadda, let's get to the point. I'm skipping ahead. Please follow. --
Ever day it is becoming clearer that our most cherished rights and freedoms are under relentless assault. -- Indeed they are. America, meet radical Islam -- And the risks we face don't come just from elected officials opposed to Civil Liberties -- Sen. Bob Byrd, anyone? -- They come as well from thoes politicians who claim to be friends of liberty, but yield to timidity when freedom needs them the most. -- Who was our president on February 26, 1993? How many American embassies were bombed? Who didn't avenge the USS Cole? --

That is where the ACLU come in. More than anything else, being a member of the ACLU means having the courage of your convictions when your civil liberties are most at risk. Our fundamental freedoms are at risk whenever out-of-control goverment officials begin stockpiling power and start to see themselves as somehow above the law. -- Ok, is GW really deserving of Kim Jong Il stature? --

It is time for all of us to speak out when our leaders demonstrate an arrogant disregard for the rule of law and the notion of government accountability. -- Shucks, it's a shame we can't hold ourselves accountable for all those post 9/11 homeland terror attacks, wait a second... --
Nothing demonstrates this more profoundly than the new powers granted to the Executive Branch when Congress hastily passed the USA Patriot Act in October of 2001.

Let's be clear about what George Bush and his allies are saying when the say we need to make the current Patriot Act the permanent law of the land: -- ladies and gentlemen, the clarity of the left --

  • They want to permanently give the government the right to break into your home, invade your privacy, and rifle through your possessions without showing probable cause. -- as if the Global War on Terror weren't cause enough. --
  • They're asserting the right of government agents to spy on the books you read, the Internet sites you visit, and the credit card purchases you make without you even knowing it happened. -- Spy on my books? I sure hope they don't do anything illegal. --
  • And they're seeking to wipe out or render meaningless the judicial oversight that the Constitution put in place as a check on out-of-control government power. --Since when has law stopped the courts?--

There's no other way to put it. --Clearly would help. -- They want us to surrender our freedom. They want us to stand aside as important civil liberties are defined out of existence - or curtailed so severely as to render them meaningless. -- And as we stand up to defend civil liberty with our library and visa cards, our cities will be bombed, our neighbors killed, and our safety lost. -- Evidence of the wide-ranging assault on our most cherished freedoms can be seen in our newspapers and on newscasts every day. -- Exactly, assaults that kill 56 londoners and injure 700, demolish innocent children on Iraqi roadsides, and murder 3,000 American civilians. --

Power-hungry politicians, religious right extremists, and self-appointed "morality police" are staging a full-court press to advance their dangerous social agenda. -- aka the three man weave of Al-Qaeda, Mujahideen, and Hamas. They are moving rapidly to chip away at reproductive rights and to overturn the essential protections of Roe v. Wade. -- Reproductive rights or counterproductive rights - the irony. -- They draft memos that lay the groundwork for torturing prisoners and pronounce themselves beyond the reach of the human rights protections outlined in the Geneva convention. -- Oh of course, we break Geneva standard because it's the only way to defeat our enemies, whose methods of castration, beheading, and rape are clearly protected by an archaic convention. Please.

This unrelenting assault on our civil liberties could change the face of our democracy. But, the ACLU is leading a vigorous, spirited movement for freedom to make sure that doesn't happen. --This unrelenting assault on our country could change the face of the world. Thankfully, the ACLU is there to make sure it succeeds. Over the past five years, the ACLU and its members have shown that we can be successful defending freedom even in the most inhospitable climate. -- Defending freedom much like the Spanish and French? -- We have built bipartisan support challenging the Patriot Act and inspired a resounding chorus of voices questioning many of its damaging provisions. -- I thought I heard a bunch of bipolar eunuchs.

With your help, the ACLU will keep building a grassroots movement that will never let them use the war on terror as a cover for an assault on freedom. -- Which would make sense seeing that the war on terror is against the war on freedom.

The ACLU is also pursuing two direct constitutional challenges to the Patriot Act, contesting the provisions of the law that vastly expand the FBI's power to spy on ordinary people living in the United States, including U.S. citizens and residents. -- Thanks for informing me that ordinary people living in the United States now includes those few residents and citizens. --

Your membership in the ACLU will help us build the strength we need to continue this kind of success. And we need you with us in other critical contests over the meaning of freedom as well. -- Sounds intriguing, but I hear Al-Qaeda has a stronger benefit package. -- The Bush administration is aggressively pushing a social agenda fueled by the president's personal religious beliefs. -- And the personal religious beliefs of a relatively powerless domestic President are more threatening than the religious beliefs branded on airplanes, cars, and Islamic murderers aimed at western civilian life. --

No issue we face in the second term of the Bush Administration will be of greater consequence than our efforts to protect religious liberty and defend the separation of church and state. -- Since when is a 9/11 repeat distantly second to parochial school vouchers and faith-based federal charities? --

You can count on the ACLU's courage, our persistence, our commitment to principle, our ability to forge smart strategies, and our willingness to take bold action. And we are hoping that the ACLU and freedom's cause can count on you. -- We can also count on an Islamo-fascist willingness to blow our heads off. Fair exchange. --

The authoritarian opponents of liberty and investing enormous time, energy, and effort in their drive to grab power and foist their beliefs and values onto all of us. We're counting on you to respond with the urgency that this moment demands.

Sincerely, -- Sincerely,--

Anthony D. Romero -- Osama bin Laden --

Executive Director -- Executioner --

Aisle Two Politician

We only have chances for so long. It's not everyday we can wake up, count our ages on our hands and feet, and be satisfied with how much we've yet to live. Eventually we'll beg and pray for 30 toes and 16 fingers - a desperate attempt to restrain the aging process. Perhaps the most depressing thought is one of age. Of course a young man such as myself would inherently assume that, but i'll define. We're young enough to make mistakes and forget them five years later. We have that privilege. Trust me, that's all it is. We don't deserve, and we certainly haven't earned it. I choose a career, take three years to learn that it's going no where, and will still be young enough to change my fate. It's frightening to think of what the future could bring - especially when choice dwindles as the age balloons. The older I get, in some cases, the less opportunities I'm afforded. Opportunities to meet people, work happily, educate myself, all the benevolent qualities us youngsters dream of. Our biggest fears involve growing old with no where left to go but death. Having nothing to remember, only wishes, is what truly scares me.

I happened to stumble into political debate at work the other day. Asked to explain what the past republican administrations have actually done for America, I answered the questions. As I bagged groceries and listened to my liberal cashier, Joe, educate me on the ways of the wicked right, I realized one thing. I still have chances - precious opportunities that he (Joe) had, but lost. In the long run, his politicial opinion has relatively no bearing on anything whatsoever - besides my choosing which register to bag for. His age restricts his progress. Maybe he didn't have the chances I have - but regardless, they're still mine.

I suppose happiness is relative. Ok, I'm sure of it. And it seems only fair that if Joe's political philosophy goes no farther than doubled paper bags, more power to him. It's a position to almost be envied - happiness. While I can't say that I'm not happy - it's the potential of unhappiness that makes overanalytical, introverted, unpersonable people out of all of us. I'm thankful for the intangible opportunities I still have, and I hope that with my aging I won't find regret.

I see no reason why I can't make the differences I feel I should.

And if they're as vast as those between plastic and paper, I'll consider myself lucky.