Tuesday, August 17, 2004

An Urgent Call For Your Assistance!

Friends, I've decided to broaden the reach of My Infinite Wisdom. I'm attempting to step out of the web world, and into the world of prints, papers, and hard copies. Yes, the rumors are true - the humble author of this blog is taking his work to the Press and Guide. In planning to expand the influence of this blog beyond the confining walls of the internet, I'm declaring my pre-eminence in the field I've chosen. It's quite simple. Anyone who has any aspiration of riches in the career of their choice has to officially declare their pre-eminence. Sure, I've stated that I'm simply the best writer I've come across (at least locally), and it's time I've made it official. With a stamp of my wrist, punch of my keyboard, and nod of my head, I now hold the official pre-eminent force of which I've yearned. Yes, faithful readers, it's time the world became enlightened at the hands of my infinite wisdom. Don't you agree?

In order to reach the masses, there's a small favor I must ask of each and every one of you. It's the least you can do, actually, for the man whose quips and witty pieces have brought you hours of literary contentment. The favor is this (and please, consider it):

I ask every patron of this blog to select their favorite article, poem, etc. and respond to this post with your selection, and reasoning for that selection.

It's quite easy. I'm asking you to think of your favorite work of mine, comment on this post with your choice and the reason for that choice. It's a well known fact that a portfolio is absolutely essential for those with high hopes of publication prowess. Who better to compile that portfolio than you, my faithful, devoted readers!Imagine the benefit to society you'll be doing by helping spread my infinite wisdom to the deserving, ravished public. The task is small, but all the while calls your name! Will you answer? Maybe you should, it might be long distance.

Remember, whether or not you choose to select from the archives of this blog, or happen to fancy a piece I've written as an outside project is entirely up to your discretion.

The civilized world, and myself, depend on your aid.

Pre-eminently and respectfully,

Sean Moylan


At 2:34 AM, Blogger Eric said...

Don't worry young man, I'll comment on a few of them. When do you want this done by?


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