Thursday, June 24, 2004

I'm Right, I Swear I'm Right

Perhaps I'm about to make an alienating statement. Perhaps I'm about to say something I've been meaning to say for a long time. Perhaps none of you give a damn (at least that would explain why I had all of two readers yesterday). The truth is, I really don't understand why pride is something to look down upon. True, Lucifer ultimate downfall was his Pride - his unwillingness to serve at the cost of his personal image. True also, Lucifer's pride is what keeps him going. Of course he knows that he's doomed in the end, we all know that, but his pride, his blood, his what keeps him fighting. Let me clarify that I, in no way, support Satan's actions. That wasn't my intention in using him as an example, and I probably should've steered clear of that path. But I didn't. Too bad.

Pride is something, well, of which to be proud. We make decisions based on pride. What other level of self-consciousness can possibly be reached? Frankly, there is no point that surpasses that of pride. We do things because we don't want to be embarrassed. We don't want to admit defeat - or allow the slightest chance for weakness to be shown. Can love and pride ever be entwined? Yes. Sadly enough, they pass glances only in broken hearts. Love can not truly exist with Pride in the scene (unless of course it's love of one's self). How can it? What proud man, in their right mind, would lower every standard of self-image to attain the mere attention of a woman. Note that attention doesn't sex, kisses, or a hug from your grandma. It's recognition. Somebody please tell me that there is woman out there to make me do these things. Deep down, yeah, I know she's there. Have I met her, no. But I have seen Jennifer Aniston on FRIENDS - does that mean anything?

Countless times I've seen relationships end because some moron isn't aware enough to see what he really has. Give me some credit, I may only be 16, but I know things when I see them. Which leads me to my next profound statement. People who cheat are gutless, spineless, prideless people. Allow me time to explain. In suiting the perfect woman, we men tend to lower every standard of masculinity that we've set for ourselves. This alone damages the ego enough, but we have our eyes on the prize - trust me. No other goal would derive this much sacrifice from such a proud gender. I could never imagine going through the pains of the self-inflicted ego-bashing that's associated with courting a lovely lady, and then throwing it away for some quick lay. Can we not take pride in our efforts? Christ guys, we've worked our asses off to get this certain girl to even look at us. Doesn't that mean anything? Why can we not just admire the fruits of our labor? Has a farmer ever toiled for months in the field and then destroyed his crops with zero reason? You're right, they haven't. Why is this any different? In this case, some doctors need to cut back on the Viagra prescriptions and start administering a healthy dose of PRIDE, another wonderful product brought to you by the people at Pfizer.

I've made mistakes. Check your saturated arteries at the door, please, this isn't for the faint of heart. Believe it or not, the Sean Moylan whose blogs you've become so addicted to, the Sean Moylan who beats back rebellion with an iron fist and golden diction, the very Sean Moylan who, well, I seem to have run out of witty comparisons, so I suppose I'll move on. I've made mistakes, you've made mistakes. It's not ingenious. It supposedly takes a man to admit to making those mistakes. It also takes a man to pass a kidney stone. It takes a man to do a lot of things - not just admit to being wrong. The choices we make close off certain paths. It's a fact of life. Personally, it takes more of a man to sincerely play the cards he's dealt, whether it be a royal flush or a seven-two off suit, then it does to admit to a mistake. Answer me this - what has admitting to anything ever accomplished? It takes a man to change things, and simple words (except for those of this blog, of course) just don't have the power to do so. Maybe we all need to show a little pride and start fixing what we've broken. Maybe the age-old perception of "real" men only admitting to their wrong-doings needs to change. Maybe it has to change.

Maybe we need to choke on the pride we're all supposed to swallow.

Maybe I'm sick of the taste of swallowed pride.

Just Maybe.


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