Sunday, February 01, 2004

Endure Them For My Sake

Hey everyone! Hope everybody's doing good! I must say, however, that I have to cut the pleasantries short. Enough chit-chat. Let's get down to business.

I just want to use my blog space to share the sonnets I've written. If you don't like them, eh, I don't care. But If you do, that's very cool. I could use some feedback, so just tell me what you think! I'll post one everyday or so...Just check the archives later on if you're looking for one in particular.

Sonnet 1

Upon deaf ears complaints they rain from high.
My eyes are closed and ears they do not hear.
My heart now cries to distance much too dear,
And ill-tongued words are spoken as goodbye.
My love, I wish forever time would die
To waves of peace and vision oh so clear,
To lift us up and keep us safe from fear,
So seconds would not damn our love to cry.
Yet fear my keep my heart from being cold,
Where heated coal is placed for which to burn
The truths of love so deep I can't abhor.
But safety calls, in beauty not so bold,
To hide my love so men may never learn.
So some might say I'd love again no more.


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