Monday, October 04, 2004

Shock the World

I've been stewing in some fairly thick, swampy thoughts lately, mostly all of which center around the state of our society, and the direction we're heading in. I've struggled with jotted ideas, scrapped articles, and the pure essence of just not knowing what to say, or when to say it. It's no secret, sometimes no words need be spoken. The last thing I would want is to produce an opinion based on the sheer necessity to fill a status-quo for this site, and, for that reason, I've abstained of late from blogging any more than necessary. In fact, as I would hope you've picked up on, I haven't blogged at all. But, friends, trust me when I tell you there's a solid and worthy reason for not doing so. You see, we in America are surrounded by stupidity. Of course, if you've heeded my words in the past, and have come back for more, then certainly you don't belong in this predominating demographic. But as for the rest, the news isn't quite as cheerful. Indeed, the moronic class of our social state lessens in logical intelligence with every passing day. Pending a light-hearted mood, I sometimes can't decide whether to laugh or cry. However, at the end of the day (and the next, and the next, and the next), it's simply not a laughing matter. Here we find ourselves caged in a society that demotes Christianity and applauds gay marriage. Here we are imprisoned by a society that belittles unborn life but clamors to protect elk in the Alaskan wild. We find ourselves trapped and immobilized by a force unlike anything we've yet to encounter, or will encounter on any foreign battlefield. We're fighting the fifth column, of sorts, in our own Americanized world. Our foe, who slinks and slithers from one dim-witted American to the next, feeds ravenously on the minds of those less than ideologues. Disappointing? Certainly. Disparaging? Without a doubt. Stoppable? Not a chance.

It blows me away, the sheer fact that the majority of conservative America can be so downrightly ignored. Of course, I wish it weren't the case, but reality is reality, regardless of who creates it, and who lives without it. The reality our lives, as teens growing into an age of unparalleled moral destruction and abandonment, is that we simply can't afford to succumb to any subliminal liberal brainwashing. And that's exactly what it is. College campuses aren't centers for stimulating intellectual growth and knowledge, they’re cesspools for liberal slime. Where else can the core traditions of America be slandered and trodden upon for post-Christian views and "constitutionality"? It's outrageous how my constitutional rights can be limited by those of someone else. Intimidation is the x-factor of liberalism (besides the totally absurd and idiotic), and by screaming and yelling, which deftly take the place of logic and reason, liberals batter and force any opponent into a willing submission.

"Please, please, shut up! Ok, ok, you're right, this country was founded on bigoted principles and selfish purposes. So please, stop yelling."

How is it right for my free speech to be slain by yours? It's not. But fair play is a thing of the past. What's fair now is anything placed squarely on the liberal agenda. It doesn't matter if that includes desecrating tradition, familial lifestyles, and infiltrating the minds of youth with libel and garbage, it's all fair to our liberal friends. By insisting that I'm no better than anyone else in this society, I'm supposed to want and join the liberal cause, for the sake of humanity. By insisting I'm not better than the man who shoots kids in their backs as they run for their lives, I'm supposed to redistribute my wealth amongst society, and watch it dwindle on needlessly excessive benefit programs and totally unfeasible fiscal packages. By insisting I'm just another moron who can't handle his own life, I'm supposed to up and drop everything I've earned into a socialist melting pot of one single race - liberals.

We've been a free-enterprising, self-reliant nation for a rather long time. We can kiss those days goodbye. As I sit here, frantically typing and missing points I'm sure to remember later, I'm being overwhelmed by the sheer possibility that America might not exist by the time I'm dead. If you think society is a deepening hole of bottomless filth, don't worry, there's more on the way. Be prepared, friends, the liberal assault is just getting started, and we're seeing the fever pitch creeping threateningly close as it chases our conservative beliefs into hiding for the rest of our natural lives. As an American, the day my country fails to provide me with a choice, a right, and a refuge from the out and out harmful will be the day I fail along with it.

I was once told to shock the world. Once upon a time, shocking the world would be marrying two lesbians, denigrating Christ, and belittling the family values on which we‘ve all been raised. Once upon a time, the counter culture was one of radically flaccid codes and standards. Today, shocking the world is standing up for what once was right, and what should remain to be so. Today, shocking the world is protecting the lives of innocent children from edged vacuums and sharpened scalpels. Today, shocking the world is donning a crucifix and praying to a Christian God under a star-spangled banner - that once stood for freedom.

Once upon a time, America had it right.


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