Friday, April 23, 2004


A thought stands, in particular tonight,
And tweaks my brain to call attention to
The visage of an evil. And you’re right,
Our justice must be brought among the slew
Of rapists, beggars, killers that begrudge
Themselves to me, yet here you stand today,
Before this noble court and nobler judge
To protest every word I’ve yet to say,
And place a moral bounty on my head?
You can and should not plan on me to let
A greater crime than yours become but dead,
But don’t expect this standard to beset
The method or my reasons to decide.
Just hear me speak and choose your words in mind
That all my power just might coincide
With how you’re killed, if so this court does find
Your guilt to be unable to deny.
So step before me now, you peasant thief,
And present to me the very reason why
You stole that loaf of bread to bring relief
Unto your kind. You must not know your sort.
If you should dare to tell me that I serve
The likes of you within these walls of court,
Then surely you will get what you deserve.
But justice does and always will prevail.
Unbiased it has heard and weighed your case –
Why is it that you now become so pale?
For I have yet to tell you where I’ll place
The gallows that from which your tongue will loll,
Your face become of yellow, gagged and dark,
And people on their daily evening stroll
Will hear the gentle wailing of the lark
But turn away at once, for they don’t care
Enough about your worthless life to take
A second glance. But know that I will wear
A smile wide that no one else can fake,
For satisfaction’s rare with justice found
In harmony with how the world should look.


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